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Month: May 2021

Fisher – Not a Cat and Doesn’t Fish

Fisher – Not a Cat and Doesn’t Fish

Perhaps second only to coyotes, fishers (Martes pennanti) are often vilified and blamed for a whole host of occurrences and noises. Fishers get a bad rap as “aggressive” or “dangerous” animals. They are predators, so these animals probably seem fairly aggressive to rabbits, squirrels and mice, but they generally want to keep to themselves as far as humans are concerned. Although often referred to as “fisher cats”, that name is incorrect; these animals are not closely related to cats at…

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Odd Couples: March fly mating in May

Odd Couples: March fly mating in May

To me, spring is one of the most exciting times of year in nature. It seems that just about every day there’s a new flower blooming, a new tree leafing out, a new bird arriving back (or passing through) from its wintering area, or a newly emerged insect. With respect to insects, over the last couple weeks I had been noticing two fairly common and unique looking flies around my yard. Both had jet black bodies with noticeable red legs…

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